Approaching the finish…

I’m now on my last two weeks of Kettlebell Muscle program. This has been seriously hard, but I feel worth it. I can definitely see improvement in my ability to do these presses, but I will be glad to be done and get some recovery.

Probably next on my list will be some drills for form, since I still can’t get reasonable multiple reps with the 32KG press. Then maybe go to some single-arm pressing ladders. We’ll see.

I also had a discussion with Tammy Biggs, one of the better gymnastic coaches in the US; who was at our house for a party during the last gymnastic clinic. She mentioned that a bunch of the coaches she works with are using Kettlebells in their strength training for their gymnasts.

I showed her a bunch of my DragonDoor books and bells and she was very interested, as they really didn’t have any specific system they were using for training. Hopefully some if what we talked about will be of use.

Week of 9/26/10


Double High Pull x 5 reps
Double Clean + Military Press x 5 reps
Double Snatch x 5 reps
Double Front Squat x 5 reps
120 sec rest
20KG + 24KG KB – 5 sets of all

Active Recovery

Double High Pull x 5 reps
Double Snatch x 5 reps
See-Saw Press x 5 reps
90 sec rest
20KG + 24KG KB – 6 sets of all

Active Recovery
Double Front Squat x 5 reps
Double Snatch x 5 reps
Double Military Press x 5 reps
Double Clean + Push Press x 5 reps
Double Front Squat x 5 reps
120 sec rest
20KG + 24KG KB – 5 sets of all



Week of 10/3/10

Double High Pull x 5 reps
Double Clean + Military Press x 5 reps
Double Snatch x 5 reps
Double Front Squat x 5 reps
90 sec rest
20KG + 24KG KB – 4 sets of all

Active Recovery

Double High Pull x 5 reps
Double Snatch x 5 reps
See-Saw Press x 5 reps
75 sec rest
20KG + 24KG KB – 5 sets of all

Active Recovery
Double Front Squat x 5 reps
Double Snatch x 5 reps
Double Military Press x 5 reps
Double Clean + Push Press x 5 reps
Double Front Squat x 5 reps
120 sec rest
20KG + 24KG KB – 3 sets of all

